Saturday, 17 September 2016

PCRA Competitions-पीसीआरए राष्ट्रीय स्तर प्रततयोगिता 2016

            PCRA Competitions 2016-पीसीआरए राष्ट्रीय स्तर प्रतियोगिता 2016                           (पेट्रोलियम एवं प्रकृतिक गैस मंत्रालय भारत सरकार द्वारा)

Last Date:31 October, 2016

Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) under the aegis of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India, has been in the forefront to create mass awareness towards conservation of petroleum products, promoting fuel-efficient equipment and helping the government by proposing policies and strategies for petroleum conservation.In July 2015, under the able guidance of Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of State (I/C), MOP & NG, an all India Essay & Painting competition was conducted by PCRA attracting massive participation. Addressing the objective of inculcating a sense of responsibility in young minds, winners were awarded attractive prizes along with a study tour of Japan, to learn about the advancements and efforts made towards petroleum conservation and energy efficiency in developed countries.
Essay, Quiz and Painting competitions for 2016 have been rolled out. This is a golden opportunity for millions of young, budding students to test their calibre & bag coveted certificates, prizes and an all-expenses paid educational foreign trip to a foreign country. The schools and students may keep themselves updated by visiting regularly for conservation tips and methods

1.बेहतर पर्यावरण एवम स्वास्थ के लिए तेल बचत

(Save Fuel For Better Environment And Health)

  1. Only schools in India recognized by Central & State Boards of India, can participate.
  2. It is mandatory for the Schools to conduct the competition during school hours in a fair manner (Principal’s certificate is mandatory).
  3. Schools can conduct Essay competitions in one or more of the following languages- Hindi, English, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Maithili, Dogri, Nepali, Bodo and Santhali. However, a minimum of 15 students must participate in each language in which the school submits its entry.
  4. Eligibility: Students of classes 8 – 10.
  5. One student can participate in only one language.
  6. Essay should not exceed 700 words.
  7. Student must submit essay in his/her own handwriting.
  8. Topic :बेहतर पर्यावरण एवम स्वास्थ के लिए तेल बचत
    (Save Fuel For Better Environment And Health)
  9. Time Limit: 1 Hour
  10. School is required to evaluate the entries, and upload best two entries in each language, in which the competition has been conducted at the school, on . For further details, please refer to this portal.
  11. Competition Period: 16.08.2016 to 31.10.2016. Last entry on 31.10.2016 before 1500 Hours.
  12. The topics of the essay competition may be displayed prominently, at least a week in advance. Schools can advise students to prepare in advance for the scheduled competition. This shall enable the participants to obtain relevant information from various sources. This exercise is focused on increasing awareness in young minds for the National cause of Conservation of Fuel and Environment protection.
It is advisable that the documentary on PCRA, which gives a brief on ‘Conservation of Fuel’ is shown to the children before the start of the competition. This is available on our website

Important Guidelines

  1. The decision of the Jury/Expert committee will be final and binding in respect of all matters concerning the competition.
  2. Plagiarism will lead to cancelation of entry.
  3. In case the participation in a particular language is very low, the prize winning entries shall be evaluated by an expert/ jury, appointed by PCRA. If the best entries do not conform to the general standard of entries in other languages, PCRA reserves its right to rationalize the prizes for that particular language. The decision of PCRA in this regard will be final and binding.
  4. The essay & painting entries submitted would be the sole property of PCRA, with rights to use and right to edit for any purpose it considers appropriate.
  5. Children of employees of PCRA are not eligible for the prizes.
  6. Schools should try to hold the competitions as early as possible to avoid last minute rush in submission.
  7. The final results shall be announced in December 2016.The awards will be distributed in the inaugural function of the Oil & Gas Conservation Fortnight 2017, during the 2nd half of January 2017.
  8. The unique experience of the last year’s winners is shared on PCRA website as “Competitions 2015”

2.स्वच्छ इंधन,बेहतर जीवन
(Clean Fuel,Better Life)

  1. Only schools in India recognized by Central & State Boards of India, can participate.
  2. It is mandatory for the Schools to conduct the competition during school hours in a fair manner (Principal’s certificate is mandatory).
  3. Eligibility: Two categories:
a.             Students of classes 5 – 7 (Junior)
b.            Students of classes 8 – 10 (Senior)
  1. School can conduct competitions in any one or both the categories. However, a minimum of 30 students must participate in each category in which the school submits its entry.
  2. Use only A3 size art sheet. The work may be executed using pencils, pencil colours, crayons, water colours etc. Use of Collage/Patchwork is not permitted in the paintings at all levels of competition.
  3. Topic :.स्वच्छ इंधन,बेहतर जीवन
    (Clean Fuel,Better Life)
  4. Time Limit: 2 Hours
  5. School is required to evaluate the entries for each category, and upload best two entries in each category (Junior/Senior), in which the competition has been conducted at the school, on For more details, please refer to this portal.
  6. Competition Period: 16.08.2016 to 31.10.2016. Last entry on 31.10.2016 before 1500 Hours.
  7. The topic of painting competition may be displayed prominently, at least a week in advance. Schools can advise students to prepare in advance for the scheduled competition. This shall enable the participants to obtain relevant information from various sources. This exercise is focused on increasing awareness in young minds for the National cause of Conservation of Fuel and Environment protection.
It is advisable that the documentary on PCRA, which gives a brief on ‘Conservation of Fuel’ is shown to the children before the start of the competition. This is available on our website
  1. The students whose paintings are adjudged in the best 50 paintings in each category, on All India basis, will be invited to participate in a National Final round at Delhi. PCRA shall bear the expenses of travel, and the best 50 in each category shall be advised on the same.

Important Guidelines
  1. The decision of the Jury/Expert committee will be final and binding in respect of all matters concerning the competition.
  2. The painting entries submitted would be the sole property of PCRA, with rights to use and right to edit for any purpose it considers appropriate.
  3. Children of employees of PCRA are not eligible for the prizes.
  4. Schools should try to hold the competitions as early as possible to avoid last minute rush in submission.
  5. The final results shall be announced in December 2016.The awards will be distributed in the inaugural function of the Oil & Gas Conservation Fortnight 2017, during the 2nd half of January 2017.
  6. The unique experience of the last year’s winners is shared on PCRA website as “Competitions 2016”
  7. The National Winners of previous year's competitions are not eligible for prizes of this competition.

3.Quiz Competitions(Agriculture, Conservation, Petroleum, Environment, Transport, General Studies and other categories.)

  1. Only schools in India recognized by Central & State Boards of India, can participate.
  2. This competition shall be conducted only online through web portal and mobile application PCRA-Competitions available on Android/Windows/IOS Platform to participate. A minimum of 30 students must be registered by the school, for becoming eligible to form a school team for next round.
First Round
School Level
Minimum 30 students should participate. Best two students from each school will be selected for the next level
Second Round
District Level
Those who clear second round will be eligible for state level competition
Third Round
State Level
Those who clear third round will be eligible to participate in offline zonal quiz competition
Fourth Round
Zonal Level
Winners of Zonal round shall be invited to participate in the National level competition
Fifth Round
National Level
National winners shall be felicitated at the inaugural function of OGCF 2017 in January’17.
  1. First three levels are online quiz rounds. Round 4 and 5 are “ Live ” competitions
  2. It is mandatory for the Schools to conduct the competitions during school hours in a fair manner. For the first round, school will get ONLY SEVEN DAYS from the start of the first participant entry. All participants (minimum 30) from the school must complete the online quiz within 7 days of start of first participant.
  3. Eligibility: Students of classes 8 – 10.
  4. Questions shall pertain to Agriculture, Conservation, Petroleum, Environment, Transport, General Studies and other categories.
  5. The schools shall register the names of all Students against the school ID on the portal and all the students can then participate as Individuals in First Round. Each student shall be given a time limit of 10 minutes to attempt 10 questions.
  6. Software will select the two best scoring participants, who will form the School team.
  7. The School team will then participate in the second round which will be called District level round. This round will have 15 questions with a time limit of 10 minutes. The last date for participating at District level is 21st Oct. 2016
  8. The best school team at District level will participate in third round to identify State Level Winners. This round will have 30 questions with a time limit of 15 minutes
  9. The Window for State level shall open on 24th.Oct 2016. The last date for participating at State level is 31st Oct 2016.
  10. The State Level winners (school team) shall participate in a “Live Quiz Round” for deciding the Zonal Finalists. These finalists shall be invited for Zonal round in their respective Zone and the date and venue shall be communicated by email to the schools.
  11. The Zonal Finalists will be invited to participate at the National Finals round at Delhi.
  12. PCRA shall bear expenses of travel and winners shall be communicated about the same.
  13. Competition Period:16.08.2016 to 31.10.2016 for online Quiz competition only.
  14. It is advisable that the documentary on PCRA, which gives a brief on ‘Conservation of Fuel’ is shown to the children before the start of the competition. This is available on our website

Important Guidelines
  1. The decision of the Jury/Expert committee will be final and binding in respect of all matters concerning the competition.
  2. Children of employees of PCRA are not eligible for the prizes.
  3. Schools should try to hold the competitions as early as possible to avoid last minute rush.
  4. Final round will be completed in December 2016.The awards will be distributed in the inaugural function of the Oil & Gas Conservation Fortnight 2017, during the 2nd fortnight of January 2017.
  5. The unique experience of the last year’s winners is shared on PCRA website as “Competitions 2016”
  6. The National Winners of previous year's competitions are not eligible for prizes of this competition.

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